Mystērion Academy

Unveiling Kingdom Mysteries with Reeni Mederos

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“The privilege of intimately knowing the mystery [mystērion] of God’s kingdom realm has been granted to you." Mark 4:11

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"I can't even express the amazement at the class I signed up for by Reeni Mederos called "Entering the Mystery of Communion". Talk about a treasure trove of revelation! For $20 you have unlimited access to this 3-hour video of mind-blowing revelation on the fullness of Communion, the Body & Blood of Jesus Christ. It is the best invested $20 I ever spent!"

- Bernadette Joy Elder, Mysterion Academy Student

"Oh wow, I really enjoyed this webinar because it just adds to what I have been experiencing within sitting at the feet of Jesus Christ, and actually dancing on the sea of glass right by the throne of the Lord."

- Sheridan Ann Gay, Mysterion Academy Student